Monday, May 5, 2008

A Great Resource: MU Plant Diagnostic Clinic

Organic farmers are known for their high quality produce. The University of Missouri offers a little known resource for organic producers--the MU Plant Diagnostic Clinic. The clinic offers a great chance for both small and large scale businesses to figure out what exactly is affecting their crop.

Submitting Samples of Problematic Plants to the MU Plant Diagnostic Clinic

Whether you’ve got plants that aren’t growing well in your yard, garden, or field, or a client comes to you with questions about their plant and you can’t find an answer, the University of Missouri Extension Plant Diagnostic Clinic is here to help. With a properly submitted sample and detailed background information, we are able to diagnose your plant problems and give you useful management information. In addition, we can identify weeds and insects and tell you how to control those as well.

Our goal is to provide accurate, timely answers and management recommendations to plant health questions. Management recommendations reflect research-based results and an integrated pest management philosophy. We employ a variety of specialized testing procedures and can culture plant materials in order to identify the cause of the problem. We work with many specialists at the University of Missouri and other agencies to give you useful information whether the problem is your tomato crop, a shade tree in your lawn, the lawn itself, or an insect that’s invaded your home.

You can get more information on the plant diagnostic clinic, sample submission and fees through our website at We also accept digital submissions including digital photos through our website. Contact us at 573-882-0623 or with any questions about sample submission.

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